Amanda Lane-Sommer has a training program that promotes safety and soundness for your horse through obedience and relaxation. Amanda has a soft hand as she helps the horse learn to seek and find the reward through relaxation. Great results come from helping horses to learn new things step by step, piece by piece. No matter what stage the horse is at, Amanda uses natural horsemanship skills and Classical Dressage principles to build foundations that allow her horses to improve with each lesson.
Sommer Strides Horse Training specializes in striving to develop horses to their ultimate skill level, whether you compete, show or just want a happy companion. With her growing knowledge of bio-mechanics and classical principles, Amanda trains in a gentle way to promote soundness in her horses, to build foundations for all disciplines and help any horse succeed at what they do. Amanda also has years of experience starting young horses safely and efficiently. Amanda has shown and trained wild Mustangs, Arabians, Stallions, Saddlebreds, Gaited Breeds, Quarter Horses, Ponies, Mules, Wild Burros, and more. All horses, of any age, breed or discipline, are considered.
Amanda is also an approved TIP (Trainer Incentive Program) Trainer through the Mustang Heritage Foundation. Find out how you can adopt an already gentled Mustang for only $125 and click HERE!
Training fees:
Sommer Strides Horse Training provides custom training! We charge $65*per training session/lesson.
**NEW** Virtual Coaching
*Fees subject to change
-Travel Fees-
Sommer Strides will come to you!
The same rates and session fees apply with additional travel fees of $1* per mile to be added
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